Saturday, June 23, 2012

Some updates

This week ended up being surprisingly productive. I found this great website Voice Boks. It's a website for female written blogs. It was started a few years ago by a female blogger and it's fantastic. Since joining the website I have increased my blog traffic and have met some great people. I have been working on some layout changes so keep an eye out!
I've really been trying to step up my social media game. As of now it's seriously lacking. I have no clue what Klout and Google + and Tumblr are? I'm on Twitter and participated in my 1st Twitter party last night, and it was a Doula Party! It was a lot of fun but very overwhelming! I totally felt like I couldn't keep up. But it was very cool and I was able to learn lots and meet some great Doulas. Of course there wasn't even 1 Doula from the CT area! Still struggling in that department but I'm going to keep trying.
I got permission from CAPPA to write my research paper on Teen Pregnancy so I am no longer dreading this task. On the contrary I'm a little excited to start. I know I keep saying it but there is such a need for Teen Mom support in CT. Hoping to have my research paper done by next weekend. Wish me luck!

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